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January 16, 2020 9:24 pm  #1

Michael McDonald on the Doobie Brothers Entering the Rock Hall

The Doobie Brothers were one of the most popular bands in America when Michael McDonald joined their ranks in 1975. Frontman Tom Johnston had just departed due to medical issues and they wanted someone to contribute to the harmonies and add keyboards into the mix. At that point, McDonald was best known for his studio work with Steely Dan, and the group had no idea he was a brilliant songwriter until he showed them a demo for “Takin’ It to the Streets,” which quickly became the title for their sixth studio record and an enormous radio hit.


January 17, 2020 6:28 am  #2

Re: Michael McDonald on the Doobie Brothers Entering the Rock Hall

I hate to be a party pooper, but I never liked the addition of Michael McDonald to the Doobies.   "What A Fool Believes" is a great song, (Yes, I still have that song as an earworm for two years now) but I just thought he changed the dynamics of the group. "China Grove" is  the example I'll give as pure Doobies.  Michael McDonald is good in his way and did well solo, I just never thought he was a plus for the Doobies.  Sorry.


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