You're So Vain - Carly Simon
Probably the most famous song in this category. For years everyone was guessing who was "so vain", until Simon finally revealed that Warren Beatty was the one she was singing about.
Oh Carol - Neil Sedaka
Sedaka claims he dated Carole King and wrote the song for her. Howie Greenfield was actually the lyricist, so maybe he gave Greenfield the initial idea and Howie took the lyrics from there. Interesting that Gerry Goffin decided to write an answer song titled "Oh Neil" for his wife (Carole King).
Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond
Diamond used to tell the story that Caroline Kennedy was the inspiration for the song. Years later he claimed it was actually about his wife, Marcia Murphey, but he couldn't rhyme Marcia (and needed 3 syllables) so he used Caroline instead.
Tricia Tell Your Daddy - Andy Kim (A somewhat obscure reference - only made it to #110 on the Billboard charts)
The song was actually written by Jeff Barry and Marty Sanders (Jay and the Americans)
It was a direct plea to Richard Nixon's daughter to help in the peace effort.
Last edited by GrimsbyFan (Today 9:13 am)
A triple-header: Abraham, Martin & John by Dion