The Oldies Music Board

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September 11, 2022 7:54 pm  #1

Wordle Only For 60s and 70s Music

I read about this somewhere and have been meaning to post it for those who don't know about it. You may be familiar with Wordle, that online game where you have to guess a certain word with only so many chances. But you may not be aware of Heardle, an equally addictive site that posts a song from the 60s and 70s every single day, plays you about 3 seconds of it and then asks you to name that tune. 

If you can't get it right off the bat, you get five more chances, with a little bit more of the song revealed each time. 

It's a fun time waster and while I find I'm generally really good on the 60s - usually getting it within the first 3 secs. - my track record on the 70s, while also good, isn't the same. Occasionally, they'll do an album cut that I've never heard of or haven't heard in years, and it will get me. 

But you might find it a lot easier. Anyway, it costs nothing to play and a new one comes online every 24 hours. 

One important tip - if you start to type in your answer, you'll see a list of possible titles pop up. Make sure you click on the right one and stop typing, because it's looking for a certain formatted answer and it will tell you you're wrong, even if you're not, if you don't enter it correctly. 

With that in mind, enjoy!

(There are also ones for the 80s and 90s that can be reached simply by changing the number in the address from 60s or 70s to 80s or 90s. But there's no way I'll know any of those.)


September 24, 2022 3:08 pm  #2

Re: Wordle Only For 60s and 70s Music

Okay.  Admittedly, this is by far and away more than a challenge.  I crashed on my very first attempt at the '60s.  Wow!!  The first few notes could have been virtually nearly anything - I couldn't even hazard a guess.  When I finally went to the end to determine the song title and the artist, I split a gut.  I never heard even remote reference to the artist.  The song was the only song by the artist that made any kind of chart - the Bubbling Under The Hot 100.  When I listened to the song, i have to give him an "interesting."  I probably would have purchased that song but not much more.  You better be REAL GOOD.  Obscure from my perspective.


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