It's Jimi Hendrix, during his time in the U.S. Army. Did he really join the military? As it turns out, no - he was forced to. It was either that or serve time in jail for car theft. He hated every second of it, and was discharged before ever getting close to being deployed to Vietnam. With military MPs nearby, it gives a whole new meaning to All Along The Watchtower!
I, personally, think it's worth noting that Jimi was not JUST in the U.S. Army, he was in assigned to a "lean mean fighting machine," the 101st Airborne Paratroopers and, despite his lax attitude, actually qualified for the Screaming Eagles badge after satisfactorily completing paratrooper training. He was anti-war (Vietnam) but supported the Troops. And he adored Bob Dylan and, besides All The Watch Tower, he recorded many Dylan tunes but don't know how many of those recordings were ever released. HBO (+20 years ago?) produced a two-hour special about Jimi Hendrix with many interviews of friends and family that knew him well - very very well done. Yes, I saw it; in fact, at one time I had it on a VHS tape but we moved several times it and was tossed somewhere. Whether you're into his music style or not, he was a brilliant musician and money wasn't his principal objective. And the stage was his platform.