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October 1, 2024 2:59 pm  #1

Brotherhood Of Man

I just read that singer Martin Lee from the UK band The Brotherhood of Man, has passed away. The article mentions one of their songs that became a global hit, but I only remember them for the song "United We Stand".

Last edited by Roman (October 1, 2024 3:01 pm)


October 1, 2024 11:08 pm  #2

Re: Brotherhood Of Man

The global hit "Save Your Kisses For Me" (which Lee sang lead on) wasn't much of a hit in Canada. It only reached #61 here, and didn't get any airplay that I recall on Toronto-area top 40 stations -- although I think it may have gotten played on MOR/AC stations like CFRB. However, I do recall hearing it on Buffalo's WBEN-FM (Rock 102), because at the time I was surprised at how it sounded completely different from "United We Stand" ... I loved that song, but was ambivalent at best about "Save Your Kisses For Me". What I didn't know until many years later was that the singers of the latter song were completely different from the ones that did "United We Stand". Those singers had included Tony Burrows, who of course is famous for having had four hits with four different groups in 1970. 


October 2, 2024 6:22 pm  #3

Re: Brotherhood Of Man

Tony Burrows had a 5th hit (or 4th?*) with "Beach Baby" in 1974.
There are many (incl apparently producer Roger Greenway) who say that Tony did not sing lead on the original hit version of "My "Baby Loves Lovin", and at best sang backup chorus. Ricky Wolfe sang lead.  But ok, if Tony was involved with it, he can still get credit I guess (with an *), depending on one's one-hit wonder criteria. 


October 3, 2024 10:50 am  #4

Re: Brotherhood Of Man

A similar situation exists with Ron Dante.  In 1969 he had two hits on the charts at the same time.  His lead and back-up vocals could be found on Sugar, Sugar (The Archies), as well as Tracey (The Cuff Links).

Maybe one-hit wonder with an asterisk, much like Tony Burrows. 


October 3, 2024 5:12 pm  #5

Re: Brotherhood Of Man

Lorne's post about there being two incarnations of the band got me digging a bit. I really liked the vocalist on "United We Stand", Sunny Leslie, and her sister Sue Glover was also in the line-up. Sunny went on to be a backing vocalist of some note, particularly on Joe Cocker's "With a Little Help From My Friends" (although she went by her birth name Sunny Wheetman). She also had a single and solo album in 1974 called "Doctor's Orders", which didn't do much; Carol Douglas scored a hit with the single Stateside. In 2008, The Brotherhood of Man's debut album "United We Stand" was re-released with several bonus non-album singles and a few tracks released by the duo Sue & Sunny, after they split from the BOM. I downloaded the album and it's far too saccharine for my taste, but the singles by Sue & Sunny are good, as they have more of an R&B vibe.

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